E'vahn Nunh (Nunh, son of E'neja and E'zelha)
Having lost for the title of nunh once before, Vahn left the tribe in shame, only to return in one of its darker hours. Much controversy surrounds this man, but his love for his people is hard to doubt by all but his biggest critics, and doubt they do.

E'liese Malha (Priestess of Mother Eft, daughter of E'malha and E'nandi)
Formerly a huntress, E'liese was one of four captured by Amalj'aa. E'liese was able to escape through the selflessness of her tribemates and the blessing of the Mother Eft, to whom she dedicated her life thereafter.

E'lona Neja (Mender, daughter of E'neja and E'tanah)
As a mender within the tribe, Lona by rank commands some measure of respect. Initially Lona sought to be a huntress but proved a poor fit.

E'tiza Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'rika)
Once an aspiring mender, Tiza found that, like many Eft, she has little capability for aether manipulation. Now middle-aged, she has set her sights on bettering agriculture of the tribe between seeing to her huntress duties.

E’yehni Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'yehna)
A young huntress with a competitive streak, Yenhi takes great pride in being selected for almost every Great Eft Hunt since the time she was sixteen summers.

E'maka Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'lilira) As E'maka's mother is one of only three menders within the tribe, it could be said this slacker of a huntress gets away with shirking her duties far too often. Known for this and her superb hearing, even by Miqo'te standards.

E'davu Tia (Builder, son of E'malha and E'nandi)
A rowdy young man who is one of two favorites to next win the role of nunh within the tribe. Despite his mother being an outsider, E'davu is held in high esteem and is believed to be blessed with good luck due to his heterochromia, red hair, and priestess sister.

E'tajo Tia (Builder, son of E'neja and E'tael)
A tia of questionable common sense seeking to one day acquire the title of nunh. He has little support in this endeavor but from those who really like an underdog.

E'lohai Tia (Builder, son of E'malha and E'tani)
One of two potential favorites to be the next nunh, Lohai is a jovial young man who seeks to expand the tribe's reach. He is skilled with bows, something atypical of men in the tribe, and is known to help the huntresses in their duties. (Don't joke about his mom!)

E'jinhu Tia (Elder, son of E'zakra and E'rone)
Cantankerous and loud, this uncooperative old man spends most of his time reminding everyone he could have been nunh if he'd felt like it.

E'zayi Tia (Estranged, son of Rosk Schlepper and E'nandi) Brought to the tribe as a baby by his outsider mother, at the time S'nandi, Zayi was a sickly boy who was the subject of much mockery. He fought for, and won, the title of nunh, but forfeited his standing to return to Ul'dah where he now lives with E'kalani Malha and his daughter, E'kya Zayi.

E'kalani Malha (Estranged, daughter of E'malha and E'kara)
Kalani became estranged from Eft after a dispute with the at the time standing nunh, E'tyi. She has been afforded sanctuary by the current nunh, E'vahn, but so far has not seen fit to return. During E'zayi's reign, she served as the first female bookkeeper.


E'marho Tia (Herder, son of E'malha and E'tani)
Lost in an aldgoat stampede after an attack from a stray mirrorknight, Marho was a handsome young lad who was rumored to have 'visited' a huntress or two on occasion, though this was never proven, and continues to be denied by his mother.


E'roka Zakra (Priestess of Azyema, daughter of E'zakra and E'mimisa)
Priestess Roka is not only a key religious figure within the tribe, but the closest thing it has ever had to a therapist. She is often sought out for advice and is known to keep secrets well. She never had children, although she has had couplings with two different nunh, E'malha and E'vahn.

E'tashara Zakra (Head Huntress, daughter of E'zakra and E'mi)
No-nonsense to the extreme, E'tashara is one of the longest-standing Head Huntresses, most of whom are dethroned by death rather than retirement. She has notably never had a coupling with any standing nunh, and claims she will never will, having no interest in children of her own and likely too old for them now.

E'rayri Malha - (Huntress, daughter of E'malha and E'nandi)
A quiet but stern firstborn of the only born-outsider within the tribe, E'nandi (once S'nandi), E'rayri had a lot to prove from day one, and by all accounts seems to have lived up to expectations. Other huntresses sometimes complain of E'tashara's favoritism for her.

E'kana Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'tanah)
One of the most openly competitive huntresses, E'kana is often kept off the same rotation as fellow huntress E'yehni under the demand of E'tashara that the two would not work well together.

E'jara Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'yehna)
Having lost her ability to speak after her throat was damaged in a run-in with Amal'jaa, E'jara's opinion on a great many things has been unknown for quite some time, as the woman is likewise illiterate. She is a capable huntress, however, though is typically not allowed to work alone for her own safety.

E'hura Malha (Huntress, daughter of E'malha and E'tael)
After her first child, E'tajo, fell well short of expectations, E'tael tried again with a different nunh and had a daughter, E'hura. This demure but competent huntress has been sidelined due to pregnancy, sired by E'vahn Nunh, much to the chagrin of the Head Huntress. (Due date: April 21st and IC equivalent)

E'kalifa Malha - (Huntress, daughter of E'malha and E'tael) A year younger than her sister, E'hura, E'kalifa has a sharper tongue and sharper mind. There is talk of making her a lorekeeper, a role traditionally held by men, especially as she is unable to complete her huntress duties due to her gravid state. (Due date: April 28th and IC equivalent)

E'maresha Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'yehna)
Known to flirt with tia excessively, it is no surprise to anyone E'maresha is now with child. Purportedly from the current nunh, E'vahn, but considering her closeness with bookkeeper E'jerrin Tia, much gossip is spread. (Due date: April 28th and IC equivalent)

E'tani Yarel (Doula, daughter of E'yarel and E'mimsa)
Once seen as the greatest beauty in the tribe, rivaled by only E'kara, E'tani has aged like fine wine and still catches many wandering eyes. It is said her kindness and sense of generosity knows no equal among the Eft.

E'kiyi Malha (Doula, daughter of E'malha and E'rone)
A pretty young woman apprenticed to E'tani, E'kiyi is known for her love of children and babies. It surprised no one she became a doula, and nearly as few that she quickly came to be with child from the new nunh, E'vahn. (Due date: April 6th and IC equivalent)

E'randl Tia (Lorekeeper/Historian, son of E'yarel and E'mimisa)
Though an old man, E'randl remains sharp as a whip. His body, however, begins to break down, and he searches for an apprentice with little luck thus far. None can live up to his high standards!

E'jerrin Tia (Bookkeeper, son of E'neja and E'tanra)
Although an adult when he lost his mother and sister to an Amalj'aa capture, E'jerrin never quite got over the loss, left embittered and self-serving. He is rarely trusted due to his poor treatment of Priestess E'liese and his possible tryst with E'maresha (with calls for him to be exiled should he ever be caught). His skills as a math savant are unrivaled since the departure of E'kalani, and for this he is perhaps afforded more leeway than others may get.

E'telhin Tia (Mentor, son of E'yarel and E'mimisa)
A middle-aged man skilled with all traditionally male weapons within Eft. He is the first of two formally appointed mentors, given the title by the former nunh, E'malha. He is the identical twin brother of E'bartu, but is easily identified by the perpetual scowl.

E'bartu Tia (Mentor, son of E'yarel and E'mimisa)
Like his twin brother, E'telhin, E'bartu is skilled enough with all traditionally male weapons to advise the youth in their handling and care. He is notably swifter with a spear than E'telhin, though, and certainly of a more cheery disposition.

E'lilira Yarel (Mender, daughter of E'yarel and E'ki)
A dutiful mender whose reputation suffers only for the laziness of her huntress daughter, E'maka, whom she seems to have given up on. E'lilira is often said to have been one of E'malha Nunh's favorite visitors, placed only after E'kara. On this issue, her lips are sealed.

E'zhure Zakra (Mender, daughter of E'zakra and E'heyal)
Mother of one, E'kana, E'zhure volunteered to house E'lona after her mother's passing, and mentored the girl to be a mender herself. She is typically viewed as the more reliable out of her and E'lilira, or at least has been since E'lilira's daughter started neglecting her duties.

E'jaali Tia (Herder, son of E'neja and E'tael)
E'jaali's scrimshaw work is the envy of the tribe, but his work as a herder keeps him busy as well. He is missing most of his tail after having it trounced in the aldgoat stampede that took the life of his dear friend E'marho Tia. Since then, E'jaali mostly keeps to himself.

E'tempe Tia (Herder, son of E'malha and E'tani)
The oldest son of E'tani, a popular doula within the tribe, and the immediate brother to E'lohai, a young man seeking to be nunh, E'tempe is known more for what his family does than what he himself does, which is keep to himself and the livestock within the tribe. He is one of few Eft with a pet hound, a male aptly-named Howler, given to him by his sire.

E'aleena Neja (Herder, daughter of E'neja and E'tael)
The first and to date only female shepherd, E'aleena is known for her tireless work ethic. She is one of the loudest supporters for introducing and integrating chocobo into the tribe. Currently carrying the child of the standing nunh, E'vahn. (Due date: May 10th and IC equivalent)

E'kazi Tia (Builder, son of E'malha and E'mimisa)
On the far-end of middle-aged, E'kazi is the oldest of the builders. As a Tia he traveled away from the tribe to apprentice under a carpenter and returned with a wealth of knowledge he has freely shared with every builder since, all of whom could be considered his students to varying degrees. He is the only Tia with a known, claimed child within the tribe, made a eunuch as penance and in exchange for his son being permitted to live within tribal grounds.

E'nedan Tia (Builder, son of E'kazi and ?)
The product of an out-of-tribe affair between E'kazi and a woman unknown, E'nedan was brought back to the tribe by his father, who did not wish for his son to be a 'city Miqo'te,' when he was sixteen summers. E'kazi pleaded with E'malha Nunh for mercy and forgiveness of his trespass, and E'nedan was allowed to stay on the grounds he never fight for the title of nunh and that his father become a eunuch.

E'malha Tia (Elder, son of E'zakra and E'riji)
A former nunh, and one of the longest-standing, history will look kindly upon Malha, although the start of his rule did not; prior to the Calamity, E'neja Nunh was the favored of the two, but it is now almost unanimous among the tribe that Malha was the guiding light when all was lost.

E'rone Zakra (Elder, daughter E'zakra and E'rone)
Named after her mother, E'rone II certainly shares her penchant for gossip, and rarely has anything nice to say about anyone. She is, however, one of the few Eft who truly know how to bake, in the rare event they come into possession of the necessary supplies.

E'nandi Umaka (Elder, daughter of S'umaka and S'zuri)
An outsider who came to Eft with a sickly baby in her arms. To this day, it is unknown to all but the woman herself and E'malha how she convinced the then-nunh to allow her permanent residence. Since then, E'nandi's life and reputation have been a whirlwind, blessed and victimized by deeds of her four children. She is best friends with E'tani and clashes often with E'tashara.

E'tael Yarel (Elder, daughter of E'yarel and E'riji)
Once possessing the keenest eyesight of all Eft, E'tael was a great huntress forced into retire by the loss of her left leg to a drake. Since then, she mostly sticks her nose in the business of her grown children.

E'kara Yarel (Elder, daughter E'yarel and E'lera)
Still to this day E'malha's favorite of the women, she was the most frequent visitor to the then-nunh's chambers. One of the most beautiful women within Eft, she did not age as well as the much-despised E'tani, something that seems to have soured her a great deal. Despite having birthed three of them, E'kara has always openly disliked children.

E'rika Zakra (Elder, daughter of E'zakra and E'hasana)
Sickly throughout her life, but now the oldest living member of the tribe, E'rika is hunch-backed, frail woman barely able to care for herself. She is seen as an example for many in the tribe: to some about beating the odds, to others that longevity isn't all it's cracked up to be.

E'yehna Zakra (Elder, daughter of E'zakra and E'lera)
A robust woman for her age, E'yehna has only recently officially retired from her work as a huntress. She has several children, and would have more, but lost a set of twins -- rare within Eft to begin with -- to a peculiar sickness that to this day has not been identified.

E'kya Zayi (Estranged, daughter of E'zayi and E'kalani)
The only surviving child of E'zayi Nunh's reign, baby E'kya lives in Ul'dah with her parents, but like them, has a standing invitation to return, should aforementioned parents so choose.


E'neja Yarel (Nunh, son of E'yarel and E'tishabi)
One of two nunh prior to the Calamity. He did not survive the ordeal, but in life was the favorite between he and Malha, known to drink to excess, breed to excess, celebrate to excess... basically, everything to excess.

E'nehjah Malha (Huntress, daughter of E'malha and E'kara)
A loud woman who sought to be Head Huntress and the biggest supporter of E'tyi Nunh. As the two shared both a mother and a father, they are viewed as full-siblings, and their closeness often called into question. It is presumed by some she ran off with E'tyi; by others that her bones rot in the belly of a drake somewhere.

E'tyi Nunh (Nunh, son of E'malha and E'kara)
The youngest nunh to ever earn the title in known history, E'tyi was an impressive swordsman and overall fighter, but fell well short of his sire's calculating and patient mind. None the less, E'tyi had a great many supporters until the second time he came into power. Many believe E'tyi's disappearance is the result of an internal assassination, but no one can say for sure.

E'tanra Yarel (Huntress, daughter of E'yarel and E'jora)
E'jorara Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'tanra)
E'teleri Neja (Huntress, daughter of E'neja and E'jiji)
Three of the four hunting party, the fourth being the now-Priestess E'liese, to have been captured by Amalj'aa while scouting for prey. According to E'liese, her fellow huntresses were killed trying to escape, with E'tanra leading the charge, though since no bodies have been found, there are naysayers, the loudest being bookkeeper E'jerrin, who lost his mother (E'tanra) and sister (E'jorara) to the ordeal.

E'tanah Yarel (Huntress, daughter of E'yarel and ?)
E'tanah's life was lost after taking her daughter, E'lona, on a family hunting trip. Things went awry, and Tanah's body was found half-devoured by a drake. Some within the tribe have said this death was punishment from the Mother Eft for betrayal, as there are some rumors E'lona's true sire is an outsider.

E'zelha Zakra (Huntress, daughter of E'yarel and ?)
E'zelha was a respected mender within the tribe, whose death is said to be a result of pregnancy and exhausting herself. As Eft menders utilize their either from within, unlike the Conjurers' of Gridania, this prompted talk about possible change in how menders are taught their abilities, though so far nothing has come to fruition.

E'bana Tia (Builder, son of E'malha and E'jiji)
E'bana challenged E'tyi Nunh during his second rule and paid with his life. It is said E'tyi deliberately hit to kill, even after some swear they saw E'bana try to yield.

... and a great many others, may they rest in piece.

The Great Eft Hunt

Near the middle of their calendar year, ten Miqo'te, five men and five women, leave the tribe in order to hunt efts. The Head Huntress chooses four huntresses to accompany her, and the Nunh selects from the men a Tia to be leader of the male group, who then chooses four men. Although the event is not a competition, the opposing "teams" generally make it one, with those left behind placing bets on which side will bring back the most meat. (So far, the huntresses have won by a landslide each year.)

Upon their return, there is to be day-long feast and celebration. Members of the tribe may fast in the hours or days beforehand in order to consume as much eft meat in one sitting as possible, as it is believed the flesh of an eft empowers them. For this reason, the elderly, the young, and above all the sick are encouraged to gorge themselves. Vomiting eft meat is seen as a bad omen, that the individual will die within the year.


Once a moon, every member of the tribe, provided their tasks are not of dire importance, are permitted a day of rest and celebration beginning from sun up to sun down. These spectacles are known as sundances, as there is much dancing. And drake hunting. And drinking. And yelling. And sometimes fist-fighting. There goes E'va crying again. Can someone get that puking Tia over there a bucket? Has anyone seen the children in the last four hours?

Last Updated March 21st, 2019

The Eft Tribe is facing a sickness among its people.

E'vahn, flanked by Priestess E'roka and Priestess E'liese, has said the following to the whole of the tribe:

- - -
Even speaking slowly, it is hard to hear the nunh's voice: pitched above his usual low rasp, it still a quiet grind that takes quiet and repetition to reach beyond the closest inner circle of the gathered tribe. He stands outside the doors of his own home, flanked by the two priestesses, emerging from within after a long, long meeting.

"A sickness has come through our ranks. Some of you have seen it: a burning fever, dryness of the mm-mouth and body. Food nnn-not staying down. Maka was the first that we know of. She has not been the last."

Ghost-pale eyes skim over the faces of his tribe, his people, meeting gazes and matching stares. Now and again, the weight of his regard will linger, settling on one or another person as he talks, as if taking inventory of all who are in attendance, keeping track of who might be missing: the sick and those away from the tribe alike.

"We are aware of its presence, and our mm-menders work to make sure it will not be here for long. For now, the ill will be kept to their own homes: they shall rest, and our menders care for them, as is their way. Raise your prayers that those afflicted see-nng. A swift recovery."

A moment, a breath, a lash of the tail the only indication to the passage of unspoken thoughts, before:

"In the mm-meanwhile: keep your water clean, and keep away from the homes of the afflicted: they nnn-need the quiet to rest, and I would nn-not have more of us take ill."

The Seeker raises his hand, giving the sign to disperse, brows furrowed as folk begin to step away.

"Azeyma watch over us. Mother Eft carry us forward."

- - -
Presently there are three schools of thought on this matter:

Theory 1: Contagious illness that is sourced from the tribal grounds.

Theory 2: Contamination within the meat or water supply, such as cases of cholera the tribe has encountered in the past.

Theory 3: Outside illness / plague the tribe has no immunity to brought in by the traveling Tia and/or E'davu and E'lohai's recent hunting competition. As E'lohai has yet to return to the tribe, and even his harshest critics doubt he'd abandon it, there is a running theory he fell ill himself and may have died.

- - -
Current Public Opinion (NPCs only)

Theory 1 Supporters

E'kana Malha (Huntress) - Indifferently states it's probably just something going around and people are being dramatic.

E'hura Neja (Huntress) - Doesn't have much to say on the matter but this is where she stands. Is mostly worried about her nearly-here baby.

E'kalifa Malha (Huntress) - Believes this is the same sickness that killed E'yehna Zakra's twins some time ago. Likewise vocally worried about her pregnancy.

E'yehna Zakra (Elder) - Agrees with E'kalifa, but may be influenced by the desire to find a concrete reason for having lost her children.

E'tempe Tia (Herder) - Notably in charge of a lot of food safety issues and brother to E'lohai, E'tempe loudly rejects that either contimanation or outside travel is to blame.

E'aleena Neja (Herder) - Likewise disagrees it's anything but a passing flu. May be influenced by her still adamant desire to see chocobo widespread throughout the tribe.

Theory 2 Supporters

E'tashara Zakra (Head Huntress) - Believes it's water contamination and is vocally against the idea it's a plague brought in from outside. Already loudly proclaiming she refuses to cancel the next Great Eft Hunt.

E'rayri Malha (Huntress) - Agrees with E'tashara to the surprise of no one.

E'tani Yarel (Doula) - Has been busy at work boiling everyone's water and checking their food, especially for those with child.

E'nandi Umaka (Elder) - Some say she is basically agreeing with E'tani and/or is influenced by having been an outsider herself, once.

E'tael Yarel (Elder) - Builders are lazy about maintaining water quality and herders just let sick aldgoats roam as they please! It's probably one of those to blame!

E'kara Yarel (Elder) - Yeah! It's the water and/or aldgoats!

Theory 3 Supporters

E'maresha Neja (Huntress) - Particularly pointing the finger at E'davu for his contest with E'lohai. (And would at E'lohai, presumably, except he hasn't returned yet.)

E'jerrin Tia (Bookkeeper) - Rumors of increasing hostility between him and the nunh, even if one-sided on his end.

E'telhin Tia (Mentor) - Too sick to give opinion now, but by word of his brother, E'bartu, this is his.

E'bartu Tia (Mentor) - While less aggressive about it than some, E'bartu believes they should stop sending their Tia out and stop hunting outside their own lands or this will only get worse

E'rone II Zakra (Elder) - Typically blames whichever nunh is in charge for everything, so this was predictable, to say the least. She is sick, but still bitching for the time being.

E'rika Zakra (Elder) - THANKS, OBAMA.

No Comment

E'roka Zakra (Priestess) - Firmly refuses to discuss the matter entirely. Tells people to pray on it.

E'jara Neja (Huntress) - Mute / illiterate so can't really give hers if she wanted to.

E'kiyi Malha (Doula) - Has mostly just cried about it. Is now too sick to give an opinion.

E'randl Tia (Lorekeeper) - Seeks to better understand the matter before formally declaring his opinion.

E'lilira Yarel (Mender) - Has basically avoided nearly everyone but Doula E'tani since her daughter, E'maka, became the first to fall ill.

E'zhure Zakra (Mender) - Remains tight-lipped about it.

E'jaali Tia (Herder) - Simply hasn't commented, and no one has really asked.

E'kazi Tia (Builder) - Keeping his mouth shut and rumor has it has demanded the same of his son.

E'nedan Tia (Builder) - E'kazi's aforementioned shutting up son.

E'malha Tia (Elder) - ...

Server: Mateus
Housing: N/A (various parts of Thanalan are used as the backdrop of the tribal grounds)
Recruitment: Closed
Collaboration: Open


Last updated March 21st, 2019

The Eft tribe seeks to be a smaller, tight-knit FC where each character is given a turn in the spotlight and the players are friends as well as RPers. For this reason we do not publicly recruit and will only ever house 15 active members at most. (Alts do not count toward this limit.)

We have no formal application process. Most of our members are gained through interaction in-game and on discord, which has proven to suit us and those who join us best. However, we do accept inquiries!

Generally our 'process' consists of learning about your character idea and arranging RP with at least one of our members (on a different character). We want to make sure we're a good fit for you as much as you are for us.

At this time, for IC reasons, we are mostly only accepting 'pre-established' Eft, meaning your character must already have been a member of the tribe throughout their life. Occasional exceptions do happen, so feel free to ask.

Furthermore, anyone who joins is agreeing to abide by our rules and guidelines as listed below:

1. All OOC applicants must be 21 years or older. Characters can fall under this age restriction, but we are unlikely to accept any character below the age of 16 except as the NPC children of PC characters.

2. We are a lore-abiding Free Company. In our case, this means we 'err' on the side of lore when we are able. In the case of gray areas or conflicting information, personal interpretation is more than welcome, and we do not hold any one individual's 'headcanon' as gospel either within our FC or outside of it.

3. Don't be a jerk. This goes for everyone. OOC, we are home to much diversity and do not tolerate hate speech. Blatant homophobia, sexism, transphobia, etc. is not welcome here. On the flip side, calling someone a Nazi for playing a Garlean or overuse of self-righteous buzzwords to try and bully others into silence will be considered jerkass behavior as well.

We trust our membership and those we collaborate with to have the maturity and presence of mind to separate fact from fiction. Our RP, therefore, sometimes explores dark or discriminatory themes, and we house characters who have fully acknowledged flaws and biases. We respect the wishes of those around us, but are not interested in our writing being policed or censored within our own space. If you seek to RP with us, please keep this in mind.

4. You are representing the FC at all times. Please act like it. Do not troll other's RP or act intentionally disruptive at events. Do not lore police or 'correct' others unless they ask you for your opinion directly. Live and let live, mind your own business, etc.

5. Adhere to basic RP etiquette. Accept consequences for your character's actions. Do not godmode others. Do not treat others as your NPCs. Do not hog the spotlight. Above all, OOC is to remain OOC, IC to remain IC.

6. OOC communication is expected of you. Happily, our FC has had minimal drama throughout its lifespan. But even the closest friends sometimes misunderstand or misinterpret each other. Members are expected to be communicative when problems arise, and to approach things as us vs the problem. However, this is not a free pass for habitual liars or manipulators to go unchecked, and members will be given one warning to cull this type of behavior before they are removed.